
首页 / 欧洲杯买球 / 消费者信息

Welcome to the 消费者信息 home p年龄! 本节包括欧洲杯买球必须按照州和联邦法规的要求,每年向校园和公众提供的信息摘要.

这项消费者资料要求使学院能够履行学生的知情权,并为他们提供帮助,以便他们在知情的情况下选择他们想要就读的院校. 的 information is organized below by category, 每个类别可能包括本页上的详细信息,以及到其他页面或网站的链接,在那里可以找到适当的信息. 尽管下面的大部分信息已经出现在RCC网站的各个部分, this p年龄 lists the categories of ‘consumer information’ that are to be communicated each year. 如果您有任何问题,请通过电子邮件向公共信息主任格里打猎提出 huntg0780@ebonyhardcorefuck.com; by phone at 336-342-4261 ext. 2170; by mail at P.O. 盒子38, 温特沃斯,北卡罗来纳州27375; or in person at the 新闻办公室, located in 行政大楼 on the RCC campus in 温特沃斯.

的  净价计算器  是为了提供估计的净价格信息(定义为估计的出勤成本-包括学费和所需费用, 书籍及用品, 食宿(膳食), 以及其他相关费用(减去估计的助学金和奖学金援助),根据上一年类似学生支付的费用支付给当前和未来的学生及其家庭.


Information related to the College’s accreditation, 目前的学习项目, certificates/diplomas/degrees offered, 入学政策, 信用转移政策, and lists of faculty and administrative personnel, 可以在 欧洲杯买球 Catalog. 该目录可通过访问惠特科姆学生中心的学生发展部获得. You may also obtain information regarding the College’s High School Equivalency program.

Articulation and Collaborative Agreements 

欧洲杯买球 participates in a Comprehensive Articulation Agreement 北卡罗来纳社区学院系统和北卡罗来纳大学系统之间关于学分转换的协议. Information 是可用的 in the RCC目录 on p年龄s 69-71.


欧洲杯买球的目标是以有序的方式解决学生的投诉和不满, 威胁, 和公平. 如果学生认为现有的学校政策被误解,他们可以提出投诉或申诉, 误用, 或违反. This includes an allegation of discrimination based upon race, color, 信条, 国家的起源, 性, 性取向, 年龄, 残疾, 或者其他个人特征.

For all types of complaints or grievances, 学生首先被要求与其他可能是投诉或委屈对象的人非正式地寻求解决问题的办法. 在采取正式行动之前,总是建议以非正式方式解决投诉.

有关最终课程成绩的投诉或不满将根据RCC成绩申诉政策解决, which is outlined in the RCC目录. 有关性骚扰的投诉可提交给人力资源总监(如果指控涉及大学员工)。, 或向负责学生发展的副校长(如果指控涉及其他学生). 学生提交有关残疾服务的投诉或申诉将使用第504/ADA申诉程序, described online at the RCC website under 可及性服务.

除上述类型以外,未能以非正式方式解决的投诉或不满, 学生必须使用正式的学生申诉程序进行学术和非学术投诉. This procedure is described in the RCC目录和学生手册, and grievance forms and information are also found on the RCC web site under ‘学生服务.正式程序要求学生根据申诉程序以书面形式提出投诉或申诉.

If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting RCC’s grievance procedure, a student may file a complaint to the 牌照处处长:


910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688



电子邮件: studentcomplaint@northcarolina.edu.

对北卡罗莱纳州58所社区学院中的任何一所的投诉也可以提交给 Dr. 约翰J. 北卡罗来纳社区学院系统学生生活副主任“JJ”埃文斯:

5016 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-5016



电子邮件:  jevans@nccommunitycolleges.e du


欧洲杯买球获得了南方学院和学校委员会(SACSCOC)的认可,可以授予副学士学位. 欧洲杯买球也可以提供证书和文凭等认可的学位证书.

有关欧洲杯买球认证的问题,可以写信给南方学院和学校委员会,地址是1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, GA 30033-4097, 请拨打(404)679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( www.sacscoc.org ).


Information related to student financial aid includes: the cost of attending school, descriptions of need-based and non-need-based financial aid, procedures to apply for financial aid, 资格要求, student rights and responsibilities, the criteria for selection of recipients and awarding of funds, 资金的发放, 退款及还款政策, satisfactory academic progress for financial aid recipients, 上诉程序, 为海外学生提供经济援助, 以及退伍军人/军人福利. This information 是可用的 on the 经济援助办公室网页 在RCC网站上. Additional information on RCC’s financial aid program 是可用的.


欧洲杯买球 is located on 274 acres in 温特沃斯, 在罗金厄姆县中心, 北卡罗莱纳. 学院有许多设施专门为学生的培训和教育需求服务. Instructional facilities include 18 buildings. 其中包括Gerald B. 詹姆斯图书馆、体育馆和拥有247个座位的礼堂的先进技术大楼. Other facilities include the Whitcomb Student Center, 行政大楼, 苹果露天剧场, 维修大楼, 还有运动场. RCC的校园地图 是可用的 for you to print and view.

Services for Students with Disabilities 

Information on the College’s services to students with disabilities may be found on the 无障碍服务页面 浏览RCC网站.

Retention, Completion, and Graduation 

Information that relates to student retention, 完成, and graduation rates 是可用的 online at the National Center for Education Statistics.


Information regarding textbooks 是可用的 on the RCC书店页面 通过RCC网站. This information includes textbooks required or recommended for courses, 这些书的ISBN号, 零售价格, 以及相关信息.


RCC annually reports information on student participation in intercollegiate athletics in its Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act (EADA) report . 的 College reports participation of student-athletes in the institution’s athletics program. RCC does not provide athletic grants to student-athletes.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Policies 

学院关于药物和酒精使用的政策,以及指定学院为无毒工作场所,可在以下网站上找到 RCC目录和学生手册 on p年龄 279 and the RCC Employee Handbook located in the Employee Portal. 这些信息包括有关行为的政策和对违反政策的制裁. 关于药物和酒精使用/滥用对健康和安全的影响及风险的额外资源, as well as resources available to students and employees, 是可用的 in the RCC Student Handbook and the RCC Employee Handbook.


Annually, RCC completes its annual campus safety and security report available on the 校园安全网页. 这份报告提供了过去三年发生在校园或校园周围的犯罪报告的统计数据. Additional statistics in this regard may be found online at the National Center for Education Statistics website. Since RCC is a non-residential community college, students come and go from campus freely. If the College is made aware of the possibility of a missing student, RCC officials will cooperate and assist law enforcement authorities as fully as possible.


一般入学申请, RCC does not require immunization and medical records for domestic students. Specific programs may require vaccinations. 这些信息可在各自的健康科学录取和项目信息中获得 RCC目录 and in admissions information packets available in the Office of 招生.



