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Attaway receives prestigious Morehead-Cain Scholarship

May 13, 2024

罗金厄姆县高中的高三学生威尔·阿塔韦目前排名第一. 1 in his high school class of 2024, 得知今年早些时候,他被选中获得著名的莫尔黑德-凯恩奖学金,并于今年晚些时候进入北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校.

每年, approximately 2,000 students nationwide, as well as a small group of international candidates, are considered for the prestigious, fully-funded scholarship.

选拔过程是严格的,包括考虑各种因素的多轮面试, including academic achievement, 道德, 字符, physical prowess, leadership and the ability to motivate others.

Male high school senior photo
Will Attaway

每年只有50到75个奖学金提供给5个以上的新生,500 students at UNC-Chapel Hill.


“我参加了一场摔跤比赛,刚刚结束了第一场比赛的热身, and I opened an email and saw I received the scholarship. I tried to contain my excitement and walked over to my parents and told them. It was just great, and we were all really excited! 我打电话给我奶奶,我叔叔也在那里——他是卡罗莱纳的死忠球迷. We were just celebrating. 感觉就像我所能做的一切终于达到了顶峰,我所参与的一切都得到了回报,” Attaway said.

On top of the life-altering news, he won the wrestling match in a decision. It was an amazing day to say the least.

“I was basically on cloud nine the rest of the day. It made everything seem easier. I was just having the best time of my life that day.”

Attaway’s list of academic accomplishments, 以及在高中期间对社区服务角色的认可, is truly impressive.

In addition to the rigors of academics, Attaway担任罗金厄姆县高中的学生团体副主席,是国家荣誉协会的成员,同时保持着4.7日平均绩点.


In addition to his challenging academic load, he became very active in a vast variety of community service roles, 包括罗金厄姆县青少年犯罪预防委员会的成员. 阿塔韦也是罗金厄姆大学的两项运动校队运动员,在他在美洲狮摔跤队的最后两个赛季中,他是一名足球运动员和队长.


上赛季,他在7胜4负的橄榄球队中担任进攻线的右截锋,这支球队进入了2023年3A NCHSAA州季后赛. 阿塔韦是帮助四分卫布莱斯·贝克积累超过1分的前五人组的关键成员,000 yards rushing and passing.

Attaway also played defensive end on the other side of the line of scrimmage.

前美洲狮队总教练布拉德·贝克说,他很早就意识到阿特威是一个能发挥出最好水平的球员, no matter the circumstances, every single day.

“When you think offensive linemen, you think big, huge guys. He wasn’t, but he played like a big, huge guy. We knew we could always count on him. 他在课堂上很聪明,在足球场上也很聪明。.

除了所有的职责之外,他还抽出时间在PG 's Chicken做兼职 & Biscuits in Reidsville on weekends, holidays and during the summer months, 他的脸上总是挂着微笑,积极的态度让周围的人感到振奋.

“Over the years, I’ve really learned how to be more efficient with time management, how to balance my schedule and ask people for help when I need it. 我真的学会了全身心投入,尽可能高效地做事。”阿塔韦说.

Joining a proud UNC-Chapel Hill tradition

The foundation was established by John Motley Morehead III, an alumni from the UNC-Chapel Hill class of 1891. Morehead was a renowned industrial scientist, businessman, philanthropist and former United States Minister to Sweden.

他创建的欧洲杯买球入口不仅在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校培养持续的卓越, but to make valuable contributions to the world at-large as well.

The first Morehead Scholarships were awarded in 1951. In 2007, 莫尔黑德欧洲杯买球入口宣布,戈登和玛丽·凯恩欧洲杯买球入口捐赠了1亿美元. 北卡罗来纳大学的组织以两位捐赠者的名字重新命名,并重新命名为摩尔黑德-凯恩奖学金欧洲杯买球入口,以确保后代的卓越.

过去的莫尔黑德奖学金获得者包括美国大使, Pulitzer Prize winners, members of Congress, 公司首席执行官和前北卡罗来纳州最高法院首席大法官吉姆·埃克森.


While involved in the RCC dual enrollment program, Attaway started to focus on, 和发展, a love of technology-based studies, which he plans to continue at Carolina. He also has an interest in health care and bio-medical fields. Attaway said he believes those two academic fields can coexist, 他正在寻找一份可以利用他的许多才能继续为世界做出积极贡献的职业.

他不太确定自己进入职场后会从事什么职业, but if his history to-date is any indication, expect excellence.


Rockingham Community College
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm