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Student Success: Colby Gunter

May 8, 2024

Colby Gunter has a small-town soul. After graduating from Rockingham Community College on May 9, he’s headed to UNC-Chapel Hill to study biology, then will apply to medical school.

Gunter aims for a future in family medicine.

他说:“我喜欢和病人之间的联系,而不是像手术这样的技术问题。. “私人诊所和门诊工作有更多的病人联系. 我有幸遇到了很多优秀的家庭医生, 这也是我决定朝这个方向发展的原因之一.”

学生Colby Gunter站在辅导中心的招牌旁.


As a junior and senior in high school, he took dual enrollment courses, earning high school and college credits at the same time, so he’s graduating early.

When he fully started at RCC in August 2023, 冈特的大学成绩单上已经有30个学分了——包括微积分预科, psychology, public speaking, sociology and Spanish.


In the meantime, he has thoroughly enjoyed his time at RCC.

“I really love it. I really do. 这并不一定是我高中毕业时的计划, but looking back, 如果我能回到去年2月,那时我不确定自己想做什么, there would be no doubt that I’d still come to RCC,” he said.

“I had a great academic advisor, 我也认识了很多人,他们帮助我找到了正确的道路. And with classes, 我想不出任何一位老师或教授的名字,我不认真地把我的最大兴趣放在心上,” Gunter continued.

“I actually have friends that are at big universities. Their Biology 101 class is 400 people big. 他们的教授不会给他们的作业打分,而主要是助教。”冈特说. “他们处于一种不太会学习的状态. 他们不得不花大量的时间来学习他们的知识. But every teacher I’ve had, I’ve learned something. 他们的首要目标是确保欧洲杯买球学到了一些东西. 如果有什么办法能让我留在这里完成我想做的事, I would really consider it. I mean, I love everybody over here.”

Gunter是一名非常优秀的学生,他的生物学教授在10月份推荐他作为RCC学术资源中心(The ARC)的导师. He’s also helped students with chemistry and math. Gunter tutored students in his own classes, 以及其他正在攻读普通教育文凭的人——这是RCC提供的一个免费项目.


“It’s great to learn, 了解如何在某些情况下保护自己是很好的,” he said.  

When he eventually finishes with his education, he wants to come back to a small town to practice medicine.

“I’m kind of a small-town person. I’m kind of an old soul too. 我的计划是在雷兹维尔或格林斯博罗工作,但可能住在罗金厄姆县. There’s just something about it. I’ve visited big cities, but that’s not really my thing.”

“我真的很幸运,也很感谢RCC给我这个机会. 我认为欧洲杯买球这一代人正在向大学转变. But RCC is really good in its advanced technologies. They have Center for Workforce Development going up. 但是进入双录取课程学习生物和化学的机会, that is severely underrated,” Gunter said.

“没有多少人知道你可以从社区大学和RCC这样的地方获得机会. 我的基础比很多在名牌大学里和我同龄的人都要好,这真是太棒了. They’re supposed to be known for certain things like that, but I feel like I’m getting a better scope,” he said.

But he still blocks his schedule to accommodate study time.

“If I can get stuff really compacted, 比如,如果我能上一节接着一节课,或者连续上三节课, I would be done for the day. 如果我能给自己一个机会,让自己知道未来什么都不会发生, then I’m able to sit down and really focus,” he said. “A lot of times when I have future stuff going on, 我很难集中注意力,因为我知道我无论如何都要起身离开, I can’t really get settled into a specific studying habit. But I do love flash cards.”


“说实话,ARC对我的学习帮助最大. 如果有人不是专门来找我帮忙的, I’ll listen in to the other chemistry tutors. That constant reinforcement is super important. 有一种说法是"你学习它,然后说出来,然后教它". 有不同的强化方式,以更好地学习和理解,”他说.

He explained with a laugh, though, “秘密的肮脏部分已经暴露”——科学对他来说是自然而然的.


“My time at RCC has been amazing,” he said.

~By RCC Director of Public Information Gerri Hunt


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm